Cecily Ross' The Lost Diaries of Susanna Moodie is a fictional and very readable account of the life of Susanna Moodie, a Canadian pioneer and one of Canada's earliest writers.
Diaries begins during Susanna’s youth in 1815
England. In a home of eight children,
including six girls, there is little chance that everyone will receive a dowry. Only the eldest and most attractive sisters
are slated for marriage, but Susanna’s interests lie elsewhere: in writing.
Unlike many girls of the time, the sisters receive some education
and are able to immerse themselves in London’s literary scene. Susanna and several siblings, including
beloved companion Kate and older sister Agnes, become writers. Despite their lack of means, they are
well-regarded in the community and find “patrons” who act as second fathers. Their writing appears in various publications.
Although Susanna is not wealthy, she is unabashedly class
conscious, stating, “I have lived in proximity to the lower classes all my
life… They had their place and I had mine.” (p. 155)
Against her own expectations, Susanna meets and falls in
love with John Moodie, an ebullient man with a zest for life and a hankering to
explore. Once she and John marry, they
decide to move to Canada where land is ripe for the picking.
The move brings Susanna’s progressive lifestyle to a
crashing halt. Canada, it turns out, is
little more than dense bush, rocky soil and muddy roads. Its population is undereducated and does not
take kindly to being looked down upon by the likes of Susanna.
So begins several years of “roughing it” and producing
many children while John Moodie pursues a host of “get rich quick” schemes that
sink the Moodies deeper and deeper into debt.
They endure years of abject poverty – a life that Susanna never
But despite the drudgery, the Canadian wilderness works
its way into Susanna’s heart. The
majestic trees and hidden lakes hold a magic that the Moodies never encountered
in England. The indigenous people are
welcoming and knowledgeable. Susanna’s haughtiness diminishes in the face of
her new-found life and although she continues to write, she is humbled by her
fellow wilderness inhabitants.
Diaries tells of a journey from old world to new,
but is also the journey of a human soul. Susanna experiences the birthing pains
of a new country, and discovers her true identity along the way.